Teorema Teorema


The Thermo Scientific Teorema Checkweigher delivers a new standard in high-rate can weighing by combining rugged capability and high accuracy. This check weigher machine provides a new standard in high-rate can weighing with a high-rate reject mechanism with a special profile for product handling control. The feed-screw on the machine properly spaces open or closed cans, steel or aluminum cans and 2- or 3-piece cans at speeds up to 700 cans/minute.

Revolutionary design with unparalleled performance in speed and accuracy. Cans are propelled over the skates (weighing section) with no motorized conveyor parts, delivering the lowest mechanical noise, with the highest accuracy possible.

Product Videos
  • Side to Side Conveyor :

    This Can check weigher machine has a unique side-to-side conveyor transfer capability at the in-feed and out-feed.

  • High-Pressure Cleaning :

    The open design and stainless steel construction of this Can check weigher machine from Thermo Scientific facilitate high-pressure cleaning. Auto monitor of temperature and humidity to prevent heat and moisture concerns.

  • Highly Safe :

    It ensures the highest levels of safety guarding and interlock possible in a can check weigher machine.

  • Intuitive Controller :

    This machine is equipped with Thermo Scientific Versa Checkweigher Controller to make the operations as smooth as possible for you.

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